Special Education Department

Supervisor:  Ms. Denise Ortlieb-Herbert

email: dortliebherbert

The Special Education Department offers a series of courses to meet the individualized learning needs of the students of Hillsborough High School.  Whether enrolled in self-contained, resource, or in-class support courses, a wide array of choices exists to target the interests and abilities of all students.  Study Skills classes are available to students in grades nine through twelve to assist with homework and test preparation, IEP accommodations, and providing a personal touch to support students in meeting their potential.  Skills relative to graduation preparation are integrated throughout the core subject curricula and in each level of Study Skills.

Algebra I & II
Consumer Economics

English I, II, III, IV

Environmental Science


Geophysical Science

Math Applications
Spanish I

Study Skills 9, 10, 11, 12
U.S. History I & II

Work Readiness/Community Work
World History