gym floor with mascot image on the wooden floor

Physical Education Policies


Health, Safety, and Physical Education (N.J.S.A.18A:35) requires that all students in grades 1 through 12 participate in at least two and one-half hours of health, safety, and physical education in each school week.

  • Health & Physical Education is required by state law of each student enrolled. This requirement applies to fifth year students as well.

  • Expectations and procedures should be followed in order to receive a meaningful and beneficial experience in Physical Education.

  • Students are not required to change for physical education but they must be appropriately dressed in athletic attire that allows students to participate without restrictions.  All attire must conform to the school dress code.

  • All students must be appropriately dressed for Physical Education class or they will be marked unprepared. Appropriate dress consists of shorts, shirts, sneakers and/or sweat suit. All gym attire must conform to the school dress code.

  • All students must be in assigned locker room areas when the passing bell rings.

  • Five (5) minutes will be given on both ends of the period to change into and out of physical   education attire.

  • All students will remain in the gym until the passing bell rings.

  • All students will be scheduled for one marking period of Health or Driver Education, one    marking period of a specific grade level Physical Education course and two marking periods of elective activities. In the elective marking periods, students will have the opportunity to choose from available elective offerings for that specific marking period.

  • Lock All Personal Valuables: Money, jewelry, electronics and other valuables should always be secured in a locked locker during gym class. Each student is assigned their own locker. Students are encouraged to use their locker to secure their valuable items. Any valuable items that do not fit into the locker may be stored in the gym office upon request. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen valuables.

  • Cell Phones are not permitted during Physical Education classes and should be appropriately stored in either a students hallway locker or the provided physical education locker. 


  • Students will have an opportunity to earn 400 points during each marking period in Physical Education. Students must demonstrate proficiency in all three domains, but each domain will be weighted differently. Knowledge is 30%, Skill is 20%, and Participation is 50% of the total grade.

  • Students are permitted to miss up to five (5) gym classes for any legitimate reason including school activities, absences and medical excuses without penalty. Any absence after five must be made up by the end of the unit. If not, points will be deducted for each absence. Students should make arrangements with their physical education teacher to make up the missed time.


In order for students to meet graduation requirements, they must successfully complete Health and Physical Education each year they are enrolled in high school. We recognize that some health conditions prohibit students from engaging in all activities completely. Please follow the procedures outlined below so HHS may provide the necessary accommodations for students with limitations or restrictions. Due to the classroom learning component of Physical Education and NJ Department of Education requirements, students are expected to attend class daily and will be assigned alternate work.  

Physical therapy will not count toward credit for health and physical education.


  • All physical education limitations and excuses shall be issued by the Health Office prior to gym class.

  • Requests for limitations or excuses are limited to three days per marking period. 

  • Students requesting extended physical education limitations or excuses (more than 3 days) must have their health care provider complete the Physical Education Excuse form which is available in the Health Office and on the District Health Office website.

  • Students who are unable to fully participate in Physical Education may not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities until medically cleared.


Students will take a five week “Health & Family Life” unit during high school, which is offered in ninth grade. These units are designed to provide students with information, decision-making skills and resources to encourage thoughtful and responsible behavior.  The classes will cover a variety of topics including, but not limited to, dating relationships and marriage, pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, sexually transmitted diseases and decision-making skills.

New Jersey Family Life Education law states, “any Student, whose parent or guardian presents to the school principal a signed statement that any part of the instruction in family life education is in conflict with his/her conscience, or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs, shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instruction is being given and no penalties as to credit or graduation shall result therefrom.” 

The written, signed statement to the school should include how instruction in health, safety, family life education, or sex education is in conflict with the family’s conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs. If you need your child to be excused according to the state law, please submit the letter to your child’s school counselor. After receipt of this letter, the school may contact the parent or guardian to discuss the concerns or provide clarity on the curriculum. After review of the letter, your child will be given an alternate health assignment for the duration of the Family Life unit.